Human Resources

Ornate door

Mission Statement

What we do: HR advances the SEU mission by providing guidance, tools, and resources that enhance employee experience and success.

How we do it: Our team strives to recruit and train a highly skilled and engaged workforce; ensure fair and consistent administration of policies; provide a safe and confidential place for discussing workplace concerns; and develop creative solutions to workplace challenges.

Why we do it: We recognize that our employees play vital roles in the success of St. Edward's University, and seek to support them as they work to ensure that every student explores transformational pathways to knowledge, experience, understanding and achievement.

Integration of Mission

St. Edward’s was founded by the Congregation of Holy Cross, from which it acquired distinguishing characteristics that include the courage to take risks, an international perspective and the commitment to provide educational opportunities for students of varied cultural, religious, educational and economic backgrounds. In support of the mission, the different backgrounds of St. Edward’s students, faculty and staff enrich our community and represent a significant part of our culture and commitment to excellence. 

We value the individual differences, life experiences, unique capabilities and innovative talent our employees and students contribute to our vibrant academic environment. St. Edward’s honors and values all members of our community by fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment that respects the dignity and worth of each person and stresses the obligation of all people to pursue a more just world. 

Behavioral Intervention Team 

The St. Edward’s Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) cares for students, faculty, and staff who may be in distress. Help keep our community healthy and safe — learn how to report a concern, identify the behaviors of someone in distress, and become familiar with available resources. 

Bias Incident Response Team 

The St. Edward’s Bias Incident Response Team serves our community by creating and maintaining a safe, inclusive educational environment. Learn how to identify an incident of bias, when or how to make a report, and see who our BIRT members are.    

Two people with laptops talk and work outside on a nice day

Careers at St. Edward's

Employee Resources and Benefits

Who to Contact for Campus Resources

WhatWho Can Help
Adjunct ContractAccepting – College or School Department
Amount – Provost Office
See pay dates (below)
Background CheckHuman Resources
Canvas AccessOIT Support
Class AssignmentCollege or School Department
Direct DepositInitial Form – Human Resources
Change Banks – Payroll
EEO FormHuman Resources
Faculty SupportAcademic Affairs or your Department Chair
I-9Human Resources
ID CardCampus Services Hilltopper Card
Library Information and AccessMunday Library email
Office AssignmentCollege or School Department
Parking Access and PermitCampus Services Commuter Resources
Pay Dates for AdjunctsSemi-monthly pay dates vary depending on course begin and end dates as well as timely contract acceptance. To ensure timely first payment, you must accept your contract at least 20 days before the first scheduled payment date. Full-term courses are typically divided in seven (7) payments.
Printing and ScanningCollege or School Department
SEU Email
Supplemental RetirementHuman Resources
Supporting StudentsDean of Students
Teaching Instructional ResourcesCenter for Teaching Excellence
Technology HelpOIT Support
TranscriptsProvost Office
Vector Training – FERPA, Title IXHuman Resources
W-4Initial Form – Human Resources
Changes – Payroll